Friday, May 7, 2010

Journal # 9. WEB 2.0 Today's Technologies, Tomorrow's Learning.

Groff, J, & Haas, J. (2008). Wed 2.0 today's technologies, tomorrow's learning.. Learning and Leading with Technology., Retrieved from

This article talks about different social network and video games on line that can be used to help students learn. The author is tries to make a point that today's technologies such as video games and Facebook should be cultivated by teachers and seen as helpful tools in designing new ways to teach students and make learning more fun for them. For example Ning and Facebook can easily be used among students and teachers to share ideas and do collaborative school projects.
Good video games also such as the digital game Ayiti: The cost of life, simulates real life and encourages players to make critical and important decisions about issues they face in daily life. It also prepares them for the future and makes it easier for them to envision tasks and responsibilities that they will face in their lives.
The author also talks about some of the limitations that schools might encounter in accessing technology and making it available to students and other issues like uncertainties that teachers might be feeling in a new learning environment that they are just tapping. The author is fast to remedy these problems by saying that technologies are making their ways to schools in more affordable ways and that teachers should take advantage of their uncertainties and turn it into positive experiences by working with their students collaboratively to solve problems and figure out solutions to issues that come up when learning new technologies.

Does introducing technology into the classroom make it harder for teachers to keep the discipline going and refrain students from getting too excited and rowdy?
It will probably be hard at the beginning for the students to contain their emotions about introducing fun technology into the classroom. It will be very important for the teacher set up rules and enforce them right from the beginning.

If I had my pick, which one technology tool would I choose in my classroom?
Since I'm going to be teaching K-6 grades, I would love to have an interactive white board in my classroom. Engaging students in fun learning and active listening should be made easier with such a tool. I also would love to have my students go on virtual field trips and the Interactive white board would make that possible.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Journal # 8. Tapping the Wealth ofSocial Netwoks for the Professional Development.

Greenhow, C. (2009). Tapping the wealth of social networks for professional development. Learning and Leading with Technology, 36. Retrieved from

This article talks about cyber space communication and it's advantages and disadvantages. The writer talked about MySpace, Facebook and especially Twitter. Researchers are still trying to figure out why they are being used and how. researchers also are looking to see how these new methods of communications are affecting our attitudes and shaping them. Having collective communication in real time is something that adds great wealth and insight to our knowledge because we can have access to information instantly and with the help of people that knowledge in areas that we we researching.
The author then goes on to talk about different social markings such as Delicious and the way it has been helping teachers in assembling, annotating and sharing scholarly resources. The author also argues that such real time communication democratises learning by giving informational access to underprivileged groups and sharing knowledge with them. Furthermore it helps teachers and educators asses their teaching methods and build on them.
Furthermore, the article mentions the other great advantages of communication on the Internet such as Facebook. It gives a lot of young people the support that they are looking for whenever they need it. It allows them to keep in touch with peers regardless of the distance, time and space. Digital social networking is a tool that can be used infinitely to benefit everyone.

Will socializing and networking over the Internet change people's attitudes about socializing face to face?
I believe that is eventually going to be an issue. The more people rely on socializing over the Internet, the more isolated they will get and eventually stop feeling comfortable socializing face to face. Having said that, it is also very important to note that socializing over the Internet has made the world a smaller place because it has crossed over physical boundaries and brought different nations closer.

Do the advantages of networking and socializing over the Internet outweigh the disadvantages that might result from less and less human contact?
Yes, I believe the advantages by far outweigh the disadvantages. I believe that parents and educators should teach kids on how to properly use the Internet so it doesn't take over their lives and make it their main mode of socializing.

Journal # 10. Lessons from the Global South (optional for extra credit)

Burns, M, Montavio, M, & Rhodes, R. (2009-2010). Lessons from the global south. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37. Retrieved from

This article talks about few impoverished countries like Mali, Honduras, Zambia and Indonesia that use different kinds of technologies to compensate for the overcrowdedness and poor conditions in their classrooms. For example 19 schools in Mali use a smartphone pilot program that allows teachers to access the Internet via a cellular network and conduct their teachings and educational activities.
In Honduras, schools use Interactive radio instruction and interactive audio instruction. This tool allows the students and the in-class teacher to interact with the radio- teacher and work collaboratively to solve problems and learn lessons.
In Zambia, where radio reception and electricity do not exist in many of it's remote areas, MP3 players have an important roll in bringing instructions and lessons to the classrooms.
In Indonesia, laptops are used for teaching in the schools. Even though teachers would have to share a limited number of laptops that keep being passed around from classroom to classroom, this has helped teachers tremendously and enabled them to have access to the Internet in their classrooms.

What can we learn from such impoverished countries?
I would say resourcefulness. How to do more with less. There should be ways in which we can bring technology to every class in America without having to spend a lot of money.

What can we do to help the impoverished countries have more access to technology?
We can certainly donate a lot of our technological equipment to the poorer countries. We have no shortage of outdated equipment that will make a great difference in schools of poorer countries.

Journal # 6. A New Concept of Citizenship for the Digital Age.

Greenhow, C. (2009-2010). A New concept of citizenship for the digital age. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37. Retrieved from

This article talks about technology and the new issues that it raises regarding digital citizenship. Preparing young people to become digital citizens is becoming a very important topic because more and more of our communication, and learning is happening through the Internet and cyber space. People are emerging in public life on the Internet which is giving more urgency to the importance of preparing young students for the life of cyberspace that awaits them.
The author goes on to talk about the definition of digital citizenship which includes people's ability to practice safe, legal, ethical, respectful and responsible behavior in cyber space.
Furthermore, the author stressed the importance for educators to model digital citizenship for the students to watch and learn. Also there seems to be a great need for better guidelines on digital citizenship for educators who seem to struggle to learn more about such issues.
At the end the author sites the need for more research and updates on digital citizenship and all the issues that encompass it such as legal, ethical and safety laws.

Should there be special training courses for educators on digital citizenship?
I believe that this should be a requirement. Educators who are using digital technology and incorporating it into their classrooms should be required to fulfill a training workshop to learn more about the safety and legal aspects in cyber space. That will prepare them to model such practices and teach it to their students.

At what age should we start teaching students about digital citizenship?
I believe this should be treated like everything else in life. Children are taught manners, respect and safety as soon as they can talk. We should apply the same rule and start teaching students about cyber space respect, safety and manners as soon as they are able to use the computers and get on the Internet.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

WIKI/NETS standards 1, 2, & 3

Wiki page was created to talk about a writing tool that students can use to create Super Comic Action. I also showed a sample of the work.

Inspiration/NETS standards 1 & 2

This is an excellent tool that can be used for presentations. I created this chart to display the five NETS standards and the tools I created that met every single standard.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Copyright and Internet Safety/NETS Standard 4

This assignment was created to teach students safety and responsibility when using the Internet.

Newsletter/NETS standard 1

This is a Classroom Newsletter that I created using Microsoft Word. It is an excellent tool to use in the classroom because it inspires students and encourages their creativity.

CSUSM PSA/NETS standard 3

This is a movie that I created to market California State San Marcos.